Hi Kids,

      Today we got some great news. The ad was approved and it will cost less than I expected.

   What would normally be a $5,600 AD will only cost me $1,600. Now in a business that sells high ticket items that may not seem like much of a difference, but it makes one hell of a difference.

      Ad cost is very important and can change everything. Let's do some basic math. If the ad cost $5,600 and I try to sell products worth $4,000 of which I only get half the money, I would need at least two orders to stick (not refund) to make a profit. If I sold them an ebook for $19.95 we would be profitable after 281 sales.

      Now that the ad is only $1,600 we only need to sell one high ticket item to make money. If I go with selling them an e-book, I only need to sell 80 of them.

      Also, since I have budgeted around 10k for this project to launch, I can test other approaches with different headlines or bullet points. I would have only two shots to make this work with the higher ad cost.

      Nancy's discount alone can mean all the difference between being profitable or not. Nobody I know of can get AD rates as low as she does. This is what makes Nancy Jones irreplaceable and extremely valuable person to know. Plus she is a great lady and a real stand up person.

      Of course, since I am not dealing with printing or mailing costs, I can send them e-mails until they opt out and refuse them forever and for free. This essentially gives me an unlimited number of attempts to make back that $1,600.

      I am in unchartered territory here. I do not know of anyone in this industry driving people to their websites from print space ads. By the way, a space ad means you have a chunk of space in the paper to put in pictures and text of your own choosing as opposed to classified ads which limit you to number of characters font etc.

      This means I have no clue how many people need to respond to the ad for this to be a success.

      But to give us an idea, I do know of an online company that pays a lot in advertising to get names on their list. They are a big outfit with several similar products. Now get this, for lists of people online who are interested in investment advice, they are willing pay up to $90 per name.

      On that basis I would only need 18 people to respond to a quarter page ad in a national financial newspaper to give me their first name and email address.

      I assume I will do better than that and I also assume that I won't have it down to a perfect science, but I could simply cut a deal with an outfit like I was speaking of and simply write to my list and recommend they look into them and everyone wins.

      So because the ad costs less, and because I am doing this online, I have many chances and many ways to make back a paltry $1,600 and unlimited time to do it in.

      I like my chances and I think my pop would have been proud.

      Right now while I wait for Uncle Kevin to work out logistics, I am writing more content to have ready to send them. I am doing my best to give them great info and I have been watching markets like a hawk to stay on top of things. The better information I give them, the more they will want and the longer I have to work the list.

      People don't mind you giving them great info and pitching them once in a while, but people are very turned off by constant pitches and no substance.

      I love you both will all my heart.




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